Soundfoam HTC
Soundfoam HTC is a lightweight, flexible, open cell, polyimide based foam having excellent resistance to heat, flame, and humidity. Soundfoam HTC exhibits a very low degree of flammability. It does not drip upon ignition, ceases to burn after removal of source of ignition, and produces a minimum amount of smoke.
Soundfoam HTC is recommended for use as acoustic or thermal insulation where light weight, heat resistance, and fire safety is of utmost concern.
It is available with decorative and protective surface finishes such as reinforced aluminized polyester film, Tedlar®, and Nomex®.
Technical information
Product attributes
- Humidity, heat, and flammability resistance
- Lightweight and flexible
- Numerous films, fabrics, and facings available
Typical applications
- Acoustic and thermal insulation for aircraft, spacecraft, and marine vessels